
Koreans turn manure into biochar

If you’ve driven past a large livestock operation, you’ll recall the ammonia stink from the manure slurry ponds. Even when composted, that waste releases a lot of greenhouse gases. But a Korean team has developed an energy efficient process of turning the waste into biochar which can help soils absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.… Continue reading Koreans turn manure into biochar

International, USA

Sheep like solar too

Imagine you’re a sheep, grazing with a bunch of your buddies. If you had the choice of eating al fresco in the sun or under solar panels, which would you choose? According to an Oregon State University study, the sheep would prefer the shade. The study found that, while the sheep grazing near the solar… Continue reading Sheep like solar too


Feeding livestock processed food waste

Why are we using farmland to grow crops to feed livestock? Anyone with a backyard chicken coop knows that chickens love to eat food scraps. Food Recycle Ltd in Australia has taken that idea to an industrial scale, reducing feed costs and greenhouse gases. The research, created in partnership with Food Recycle Ltd. and… Continue reading Feeding livestock processed food waste